Wednesday 19 Feb 2025

Virtuemart 3 Compare module

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Price: Бесплатно
Compare activation
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The item is free now. You can download it below. The activation form is opened for everyone. The activation will be removed in the next release.




Virtuemart 3 Compare Module is a product comparing extension for Virtuemart 3 that allows to mark products for comparison. Compare Products extension contains a compared products list output module and a comparison category template. Added to compare products data is stored in cookies. Compare buttons are automatically added to a page with JQuery script. All the key settings are specified in the module options (where to show, where to get product name and id etc).


== Installation ==

1. Upload and install the module archive

2. Copy the template file into the folder /components/com_virtuemart/views/category/tmpl

3. Go to Product Categories in Virtuemart and create a new category

4. Define category title, block width on compare page (default fields of the form are redefined), choose template and save. Category can be unpublished but only after you create a menu item pointing to this category

5-6. Create a new menu item

7. Specify title, choose a category with template, save and copy the original link (ctrl-c)

8. Go to Module Manager and open the compare module

9. Choose position, publish on required pages, paste the link you have just copied, activate and save

10. The result

11. Button names can be redefined through Language Manager -> Overrides


== For usage with Product Filter for Virtuemart 3 ==

After the product list update in the filter you can add a compare button to the results by adding the following lines of code into the "product reinitialization" field in the module settings:



== Language constants ==


MYEXT_TOCOMPARE_BTN="Add to\ncompare"

MYEXT_FROMCOMPARE_BTN="Remove from\ncompare"

MYEXT_GOTOCOMPARE_BTN="Compare \nproducts"




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