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Filter for Virtuemart 3. Search module by custom fields.
rated 5 out of 5 at The Joomla Extensions Directory
Imagine an ideal product filter for your Joomla/VM shop. We have one for you!
We offer a high-performance product filter for VirtueMart 3. Search by custom fields, categories, manufacturers and prices with discounts or tax.
The main feature of the module is its flexible settings system and a large number of functional options. This allows you to easily tune and adapt search to your customer needs.
You are a website owner?
Your clients will be pleased!
- High performance - Search speed increased by 20 times compared to normal. How? The filter incorporates unique custom field type that stores data in its own database tables.
- Child products accounted for - E.g. you can search through sneakers not only using parameters, but using size and products in stock. Different options of setting up «child» search are available to better fit your needs.
- Search by price with discounts and multi-currency considered in Product Filter for VirtueMart 3 is implemented in the most fulfilling manner. Slider incorporates display of active price values.
- Chained lists - The filter offers step-by-step selection of search criterion according to scenarios you set. For example, once country is selected a city selection field appears. This approach is unique to our module.
Easy to configure!
- Improved administration controls - By default to assign a «parameter» to product, separate lines must be added for each value. Our custom field type presents a single multiselect drop-down for all values for each field..
- Easy to implement and tune - Clear and detailed documentation with screenshots. No coding skills required. Full API integration. Minimum buttons and manipulations in administration panel. Having difficulties? For your convenience we offer support via email, skype or phone.
- Highly customizable - Well thought-trough and easy-to-apply configuration options. Show different fields based on product properties. Lots of custom field templates: checkboxes, drop-downs, radio buttons and sliders. Modifying Product Filter is easy!
- User-friendly interface - We present an understandable, easy-to-use UI for our VirtueMart 3 Product Filter - sort and control custom field values, choose what fields to display and what the filter form layout will be.
You are a webmaster?
Easy to implement search for VirtueMart 3 on client sites!
- Clean installation - No changes or impact in Virtuemart 3 code. Easy to style to your liking using embedded selectors and classes. Supports export and import with powerful component CSV Improved 5.9. Minimal efforts required!
- Easy to set up - AJAX module and product list update on selecting search parameter in product filter. Tie filter to categories manually or let it handle assignment automatically!
- Customer Support No third-party components involved! Work with plugin system directly in VirtueMart. Unique custom field plugin with multiple options to select for products. Less trouble for your client to set up. Less trouble you have with your client!
Experiencing difficulties? Please contact us via email or skype.
We highly recommend you to try it out!
Need the visuals of the filter module adjusted? Contact us via email: support@myext.ru