Thursday 23 Jan 2025

Support Joomla 3

Product filter works with Joomla 3 and Virtuemart 2.6.х-3.0.x


[v3.0.7] - fixed installation error in Joomla 3.7 (Using $this when not in object context)

[v3.0.6] - fixed subcategory work

[v3.0.6] - fixed color and language issue after ajax update

[v3.0.6] - fixed a lot of small bugs

[v3.0.4] - fixed search by "integer" type of custom fields

[v3.0.3] - fixed error of delete values while editing of a custom field

[v3.0.2] - fixed broken module editing page in some combination of system settings

[v3.0.1] - fixed error which display "Array" on left top bottom of the site
[v3.0.0]  - works with Joomla 3 and Virtuemart 3.0.x


We are glad to announce the release of version 2.0. In the process of development we decided to change the customfields information storage structure in the database. Thanks to this change search speed increased dramatically. The change of the database structure has lead to incompatibility between 2.0 and 1.x versions. 

See the preview on our test site where we have 5000 products with 5 additional custom fields for each: DEMO 5000


What's new in v2.0.6:
* added an optionto change the name of every first (default) item in the dropdown menu separately in every custom field
* mechanism of folding/unfolding field values on clicking the field headline (the state is stored in cookies)
* field won't be displayed if all its values are not associated with any product and template of number of products = hidden
* fixed the search type 'AND' (use with caution, may decrease performance!)
* improved language constants processing in the module, plugin and admin panel
* fixed processing Tax/Datax conditions while using "default rules" (use with caution, may decrease performance!)
* minor bug fixes and improvements
* the filter has been adapted for VM v2.0.22a
* ATTENTION: All the files have been changed. If you modified templates please modify (update) them according to new changes

V2.0.5 changes:

 * fixed an error with automatic field select
 * the module now works with override prices
 * added an option to modify the list of categories displayed in the module
 * additional small fixes

New in version 2.0:

* Version 2.x is incompatible with the old 1.x. 
Search speed has been increased 5-20 times thanks to the change of the database tables structure.
* Added a possibility to search for child products alone and in chain with their parents (child products are found and parents are shown). Plugin stockable is now supported.
Added an option to use fields as “cart attribute” (without changes to price)
Product count mechanism has been optimized (products associated with custom field values)
Added a long-expected “reset” button for every custom field and for the whole module
* New version is supported by a powerful component CSV Improved v.5.9. 
* [2.0.4] Added a new template that allows searching by color

* [2.0.4] Added a new template for numeric fields: input_double

[2.0.4] Implemented a migration script from version 1.х to 2.x

v1.6.8 (security release)

* Security updated. It's recommended to update immediately.

* some additional fixes


v1.6.6 (security release)

* Security updated. It's recommended to update immediately.

* some additional fixes

fixed search products with multiple parent categories

* added search with TAX


v1.6 (Linked lists)

* full support of linked lists: one field will be linked with another (or its value) and it will be displayed only in case the linked field has been chosen
* consider subcategories while searching
* show only subcategories of the already opened or manual specified category
* optimization processing of the CSV import
* new values are being added in the list of the fields while processing CSV import
* error while copying was corrected as well as error while copying in new versions of Virtuemart 2 for all the plugins
* calculation of the amount of products for their values was optimized
* a new fix, that doesn’t break the order of the field while saving, was introduced
* you can indicate the template for displaying values with zero amount of products separately in every field
* selection of parent field in the module was chainged into a drop-down list
* ability to change the image of Ajax loader and load your own images
* a new block for Javascript code which will be running during the first load of the module
* [v 1.6.1] fix XML file error
* [v 1.6.2] some bugs fixed
[v 1.6.3] some bugs fixed
* [v 1.6.5] critical error fixed
* [v 1.6.5] logic of "search in active category" updated
* [v 1.6.5] customfields "slider_" template updated 
* [v 1.6.5] price range updated (consider "in stock")

* хм 1ю6ю5ъ скшешсфд уккщк ашчув
* хм 1ю6ю5ъ дщпшс ща Эыуфкср шт фсешму сфеупщкнЭ гзвфеув
* хм 1ю6ю5ъ сгыещьашудвы Эыдшвук_Э еуьздфеу гзвфеув 
* хм 1ю6ю5ъ зкшсу кфтпу гзвфеув (сщтышвук Эшт ыещслЭ)

v1.5 (CSV edition)


* the speed of data processing in this module has become much higher due to creation of optimization
page for AJAX requests


* internal CVS export/import mechanism (stage of open beta-testing)


* only after `2 month we were published at


* processing of multicurrency was corrected


* the module processing logic of AJAX updates was also improved

* [v1.5.1] fix some bugs
* [v1.5.2] added meta charset to CSV forms
* [v1.5.2] fix quotes parameter in CSV forms
* [v1.5.3] fix some bugs

ATTENTION: templates have been thoroughly rewritten, please be attentive to the updates

v1.4 (Eng)

Active range of values is now highlighted on sliders

* In this version it is possible to add text at the beginning and at the end of the module
* JS indication, which should be performed after AJAX updates the DOM-structure of module and products
* “Select” and “select_chosen” templates for price and customfields
* Fields autoselection system has been adjusted
* Detailed documentation in screenshots
* English localization
* New demo site

* [v1.4.1] allow to work with Multi-Curencies while searching
* [v1.4.1] category templates was optimized
* [v1.4.1] customfileds names as language constant

* ATTENTION: templates have been thoroughly rewritten, please be attentive to the updates



To be developed

 * Localizations (en)

 * optimize categories processing

Versions history

v1.3 (AJAX)

 * AJAX module updates in case the parameters are changed

 * Calculation of products correlated to parameter in module depending on already chosen parameters
 * Output template for “zero”parameters (hide/block/display)
 * Due to the abovementioned features imitation of linked lists is possible
 * A field for block titles and “zero” values of drop-down lists of categorieis/manufacturers/price/fields in the module has been added
 * Subproducts are not taken into account in search
 * Plenty of minor bugs fixed
 * Module display on administrative panel has been changed
 * [v1.3.3] “Horizontal” template bug has been fixed (calculation had been done incorrectly)
 * [v1.3.3] when a category page is loading, module update via AJAX is done (if it is turned on), otherwise module indications refer to all the products, not only chosen category
 * [v1.3.4] The error which changed the result of JURI::root() with module turned on has been fixed
 * [v1.3.4] Blank value is assigned to the field of "text non drop-down list" type added to the product
 * [v1.3.4] Now you can remove value data of product field correctly
 * [v1.3.5] Navigation through the VM categories pages has been fixed (in v 2.0.8 was not working because of other improvements)
 * [v1.3.5] automatic verification and loading of slider library
 * [v1.3.5] a link to Virtuemart functional pages has been added
 * [v1.3.5] a link to the virtuemart 2 categories has been added
 * [v1.3.5] a link to search page has been amended, which allows to identify it by menu item "virtuemart - category - top level" (this is important to link the module by standard means of Joomla)
 * [v1.3.6] JS-code has been updated (important for VM lower than 2.0.7 version)
 * [v1.3.7] AJAX product list update
 * [v1.3.7] Pop-up tips near fields titles (JTooltips)
 * [v1.3.7] Display of total products found in module button “show” (previously "search")
 * [v1.3.7] Parameter data removal from DB has been improved
 * [v1.3.7] ATTENTION: templates have been thoroughly updated, please be attentive when you make updates



 * Search considering quantity in store

 * Horizontal output template
 * Minor changes
 * [v1.2.1] The error due to which GET method didn’t work while SEF was turned off was corrected
 * [v1.2.2] Site was not responding if user requested to display categories because the categories data in DB tables was not holistic – this error has been cleared


 *Search by price considering discounts

 * Data types split: text and numeric. Numeric type is needed to search by intermediate numeric values with more than 20 options, e.g. “power”, “length”, etc. For the fields like “Clothes size”, where there are few options, use text drop-down list
 * "Drop-down list" field parameter. In case of "no" allows to enter any value, not to choose from list.
 * Options are chosen automatically from non drop-down lists
 * Slider template, double slider for fields template
 * Change “left join” for “join” in language tables
 * improved open category data processing
 * minor bugs fixed
 * change the condition of module form output verification (search only by category/manufacturer/ price)
 * search through all the products not only those with indicated fields, if fields values are not specified
 * Price: template with slider
 * [v1.1.1] Numeric values display in product card was improved
 * [v1.1.2] Data processing for product publications and their parent categories have been added
 * [v1.1.2] Multiselect category template output bug has been fixed
 * [v1.1.3] Verification of the fields output in module


 * User manual

 * Update notification message
 * Russian localization (separate language files)
 * The code has been cleaned up
 * The folders for user templates support of module and plug-in have been restructurized (specified in html site template folder)


 * Search by manufacturer

 * Manufacturers display template
 * "Radio" template for manufacturers and fields
 * Changing data crossing selection (AND/OR) of different values of one field
 * Plug-in exemplar has a “search” parameter
 * Search request has been substantially optimized (large request, caches for further navigation, time display). The largest request: search by 5 parameters with all the options indicated, considering search by category, manufacturer and priceс for 1000 products lasts ~0.09 seconds on hosting for 44 RUR per month ( Further navigation is cached and request takes only ~0.007 seconds.
 * Automatic detection of the fields output for search considering the products of current category (large request, caches, time display). To review the work you should move to any VM category.
 * Data transfer method options (get/post)
 * A number of bugs found while testing has been fixed


 * Category output templates

 * Fields output templates
 * Now you can specify display template in customfield properties
 * Customfield display template can be globally reidentified in module


 * Add-on/removal/modification of values by default via handy js interface with sorting function

 * Search by category

 * Search by price


 * Highlight of the picked points 

 * Output template in the form of drop-down list
 * The structure of GET-variables has been changed to shorten address bar and to avoid VM2 core corrections (see the next point)
 * Sorting, pagination and selection of "Products per page" is now working (except for the incorrect work of “Products per page” default)


 *Plug-in for additional VM2 field topped up with ability to choose for a product several values from drop-down list

 * Additional plug-in fields output module в виде чекбоксов и последующим поиском по товарам
 * VM2 core changes minimization
 * Request to VM2 developers for code correction, which is not only vital for the operation of the plugin, but, I think, is adequate or simply bugs (1 of 2 successfully corrected in version 2.0.3H)

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